Liebe knows no boundaries! The gold-plated offering is under the Raubkatzen, who will both lose Tiger Boris and Svetlaya!

Das Paar is one of the project projects, um in Russia wieder Sibirian Tiger, also Amur-Tiger genannt, anzusiedeln. If the expected babies came to be in Obhut, they were born together. At 18 months it continued in the Weiten der Walder.

Die Tiere wurden im Hochgebirge Sikhote-Alin in Osten des Landes und verschiedenen Stellen ausgesetzt. But that new Freiheit gefilel Boris is not all alone…

Von Tierschützern wurrettet Boris out of the Forest like Jungtier. In a special environment, life in the wilderness is a thing of the past. This is what Tigress Svetlaya knows

Von Tierschützern wurrettet Boris out of the Forest like Jungtier. In a special environment, life in the wilderness is a thing of the past. This is what Tigress Svetlaya knows

Photo: ANO WCS

A typical Liebesgeschichte

If the glück is in Svetlaya, there is a small chance. The men (weighing up to 325 kg) are able to carry on like this. The product is a brand new product.

Forscher beobachteten en seines GPS collars, that Boris nahezu in gerade Line and the Ort lief, a dem sich seine Auserwählte ihr new Zuhause gesucht hatte – 200 Kilometer entfernt!

In the war of the Wild Chamber, when they were both fortan gemeinsam. Sechs Monate nach der Wiedervereinigung follows the greatest excess: Die Tigress brought Babies zur Welt.

Boris and Svetlaya machen Tierschützer froh

Your Liebesgeschichte is not unwanted, but a greater experience. Der Wurf said that the inflation program der Tierschützer functional.

Dr. Luke Hunter, Geschäftsführer of the WCS Big Cats program: “This study proposes an exciting new development, which has lost the natural beauty of nature, such as Tiger in the Teile Asiens zurückzubringen.”

In the program, the baby raubkatzen were retteten, which Boris and Svetlaya were warmed up, sucked into special storage containers. If you contact a person, you can request a minimum discount. The young children learn their own qualities. So if you take care of yourself in the wild.

Flauschig and ZilverblickTiger was created with Social-Media-Star

Quelle: ViralPress, TikTok/Chiangmanightsafari

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